Andrew Mackew

In the early 1990s, I always remember commuting from Deakin’s Burwood Campus to the then Toorak Campus and back between lectures and tutorials.

The run along Toorak Road – Burwood Highway became a bit of a competition between classmates to see who could get from one campus to the other first.

Many times, in my little 4cly 1963 Ford Anglia managed to beat my friend Ben in his 1980s 6cyl VB Commodore, both were full of classmates. Sometimes a quick lunch stop at the Red Rooster on the corner before Burwood Campus has us burping up garlic bread all through the tutorial!

Great memories of our time at Deakin University where we undertook a Bachelor of Arts/Business between 1990 – 1993. Thankfully, we mostly all graduated.